Alumni Highlight / Amanda Lovelee's Pop Up Meeting | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Alumni Highlight / Amanda Lovelee's Pop Up Meeting

This September, MCAD MFA Visual Studies Alum Amanda Lovelee '10 hosted her second Pop Up Meeting, an event wherein the artist convenes with the public and collects over 100 surveys over several hours, courting requests for city improvements without the inconvenience of heading all the way to City Hall.

As an additional bonus, the event was held at the Urban Flower Field, in downtown Saint Paul, a gathering space and living garden, also a project of Lovelee.

From the Star Tribune: "Lovelee is one of two city artists with Public Art St. Paul, a nonprofit program that works closely with the city to bring art into people's everyday lives. Since 1987, Public Art has used the city's public places — parks, streetscapes, bridges and other structures — as platforms for projects ranging from an inner-city sculpture park to images and colors cast upon clouds of steam floating out over the Mississippi River.

'People fill out a few questions, then people get a free Popsicle," Lovelee said. "It's a great way to get a lot of feedback.'" Go Amanda!

For more information:

Amanda Lovelee
Pop Up Meeting
Urban Flower Field
