Alumni Highlight / Andrew W. Allison | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Alumni Highlight / Andrew W. Allison

Andrew W. Allison graduated with an MFA from MCAD in 2013. During his time at MCAD he used sculpture and painting to create mixed-media installations that explored adolescence, the enactment of masculinity and it’s entrenchment in myth, and the intangible relationships between our objects and our perceptual memories.

Since graduating Andrew moved to Pittsburgh PA, where he has exhibited work in shows such as the 2015 Three Rivers Arts Festival and the 2014 Pittsburgh Biennial. Andrew spends most of his time working in his new studio and is currently developing a body of work that focuses on isolationism and the occult. He is also preparing to curate a show at The Mine Factory (Pittsburgh) this coming November.

My time at MCAD is something that I often think back upon fondly. The opportunities and challenges I met there and the educators and artists I worked with continue to influence the decisions I make during my career as an artist daily.

-Andrew. Allison

To keep up with what Andrew has been doing, go to:
