Alumni Highlight / Heather Lamanno at Second Shift Studio | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Alumni Highlight / Heather Lamanno at Second Shift Studio

On September 7, Second Shift Studio had its inaugural opening where it threw its doors open for the public to view the space, meet and greet their artists in residence, while seeing an exhibition of their work. Our recent alumnus Heather Lamanno is currently one of four artists in residence at this new residency in East St. Paul. Owned and run by Chris Larson and Kriss Zulkosky, Second Shift studio provides studio space, stipends and professional development to women and non-binary artists.

The work displayed by Heather during the opening reception depict construction sites that exist is an abstract and temporal space in between the gap of proposal and completion. This interim state of the construction sites have characterised her work through her time at the MFA program.

Photography by Hsin-Yin Shen

For more information visit:

Second Shift Studio

Heather Lamanno

Minneapolis Art Article
