Alumni Highlight / Jeongho Park's TDC Award | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Alumni Highlight / Jeongho Park's TDC Award

Last year, Jeongho Park (Graphic Design '13) applied to TDC Communication Design Competition with his Type Capsule project, and they announced the winners in the spring of 2014. The Type Directors Club honored some of the world’s best typographic design and designers on Wednesday, July 16 at The Cooper Union in New York City, with Jeongho was awarded the 1st place student award. The TDC was founded in 1946 and its annual competitions, which began in 1955, have grown into the world’s largest competitions dedicated to excellence in the use of typography. Type Capsule will be presented on the TDC Annual this year, and the TDC exhibition can be seen in other countries including South Korea, Japan, etc.

Type Capsule is an infographic book about typefaces based on a personal survey conducted by the designer. I was fascinated by the fact that some certain typefaces such as Garamond and Helvetica are frequently used than the others and considered “timeless”. These typefaces seem to be impervious to passing trends and supersede content sensitivity. I investigated typefaces that I felt were likely to continue to exist and be utilized one century from now by asking a sample of 432 designers around the world: “If you had to select five typefaces to put in a time capsule so that you could still use them in 100 years, what would you choose?” The 125 responses I received were the starting point for this project.

Jeongho Park, born in South Korea, studied mineral and resources engineering, graduating in 2003. As soon as he graduated, he has worked in a variety of disciplines for notable clients such as Hyundai and Samsung as a designer in a couple of design studios. In 2011, he moved to the US and joined the MFA program to study graphic design with a focus on information graphics at Minneapolis College of Art and Design, where he graduated in 2013.

Currently, Jeongho has been working as a manager in the public relations section at a cosmetic company in Seoul, Korea. In near future, he is considering opening his own design studio.
