MCAD MFA sculpture alum Kelsey Bosch '16 was one of five recipients of the 8th round of Art(ists) on the Verge commissions from Northern Art(ists) on the Verge is " an intensive, mentor-based fellowship program for 5 Minnesota-based, emerging artists or artist groups working experimentally at the intersection of art, technology, and digital culture with a focus on network-based practices that are interactive and/or participatory." Bosch, a Minneapolis-based artist, derives inspiration and meaning through her experiences in nature, often using moving image, sound, and sculpture. With her work, Bosch strives to evoke "wonder in the viewer toward specific natural places" in order to invite discourse on environmental issues. Bosch's participatory installation, Hyperbolic Soundscape, invites the viewer to push against the parabolic wall of the installation's structure. By pressing into the surface, the "positive-bolic (ball-like) curvature turns negative, becomes hyper-bolic or excessively -bolic: a maximazation of surface area and infinite parallels. The sound of a pane of glass cracking bends, flexing the once Euclidean plane into the malleable tension of a -bolic plane. Hyperbolic space is generative, forming as it happens in time. We cannot predict what will actually occur. As you move through the space and press against the walls, play the sounds, you contribute to the creation of Hyperbolic Soundscape. No one knows precisely how this soundscape will be composed until it unfolds over the duration of the exhibition. Hyperbolic Soundscape exaggerates the participants relationship to space, calling attention to how everyday sensory knowledge is constructed and dissolving the rigidity of assumed truth." This June and July, the Art(ists) on the Verge recipients presented their work in an exhibition at the Katherine E. Nash Gallery at the University of Minnesota here in Minneapolis. On July 8, Bosch was one of four artists to participate in a public artist talk, discussing their work and sharing experiences in the program. Photography courtesy of Rik Sferra and Zoe Cinel For more information: Kelsey Bosch Art(ists) on the Verge 8 Northern Katherine E. Nash Gallery Categories Alumni
MCAD MFA sculpture alum Kelsey Bosch '16 was one of five recipients of the 8th round of Art(ists) on the Verge commissions from Northern Art(ists) on the Verge is " an intensive, mentor-based fellowship program for 5 Minnesota-based, emerging artists or artist groups working experimentally at the intersection of art, technology, and digital culture with a focus on network-based practices that are interactive and/or participatory." Bosch, a Minneapolis-based artist, derives inspiration and meaning through her experiences in nature, often using moving image, sound, and sculpture. With her work, Bosch strives to evoke "wonder in the viewer toward specific natural places" in order to invite discourse on environmental issues. Bosch's participatory installation, Hyperbolic Soundscape, invites the viewer to push against the parabolic wall of the installation's structure. By pressing into the surface, the "positive-bolic (ball-like) curvature turns negative, becomes hyper-bolic or excessively -bolic: a maximazation of surface area and infinite parallels. The sound of a pane of glass cracking bends, flexing the once Euclidean plane into the malleable tension of a -bolic plane. Hyperbolic space is generative, forming as it happens in time. We cannot predict what will actually occur. As you move through the space and press against the walls, play the sounds, you contribute to the creation of Hyperbolic Soundscape. No one knows precisely how this soundscape will be composed until it unfolds over the duration of the exhibition. Hyperbolic Soundscape exaggerates the participants relationship to space, calling attention to how everyday sensory knowledge is constructed and dissolving the rigidity of assumed truth." This June and July, the Art(ists) on the Verge recipients presented their work in an exhibition at the Katherine E. Nash Gallery at the University of Minnesota here in Minneapolis. On July 8, Bosch was one of four artists to participate in a public artist talk, discussing their work and sharing experiences in the program. Photography courtesy of Rik Sferra and Zoe Cinel For more information: Kelsey Bosch Art(ists) on the Verge 8 Northern Katherine E. Nash Gallery