Alumni Highlight / Patricia Olson at the Catherine G. Murphy Gallery | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Alumni Highlight / Patricia Olson at the Catherine G. Murphy Gallery

This April, alum Patricia Olson's '98 artistic career was showcased in a retrospective exhibition of her work at the Catherine G. Murphy Gallery. The show, A Body of Work, highlighted her interest in the figure as a conveyor of meaning.

From the artist, "To present a retrospective of my work is simultaneously exciting and humbling. It’s a chance to assess if 40 years of producing images coheres into a body of work.

"Throughout, I’ve investigated myths of all kinds: the beauty myth, ancient Roman myths, Biblical stories, fairy tales and Western culture’s art historical myths. I am in dialogue with art history to portray women especially as powerful and significant. Since the body is something we all know intimately, my viewers all have a great store of critical knowledge when looking at my work. Finally I hope, as we all do, for connection."

A Body of Work is on view until May 26th and is free and open to the public.

Photography by Ellen Mueller.

For more information:

Catherine G. Murphy Gallery
Patricia Olson
