Alumni Highlight / Preston Drum's Soap Factory Residency | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Alumni Highlight / Preston Drum's Soap Factory Residency

This month, MFA alum Preston Drum '16 held an artist residency at the Soap Factory, as part of the exciting new "3x5" project. The project hosts one or more emerging artists to create work in three unique gallery spaces within the iconic Minneapolis Soap Factory building, and holds an open house group exhibition of their work at the end of each residency month. MFA faculty member and mentor Andy Ducett was the Gallery 1 Artist Coordinator for the project.

From the Soap Factory: "Our goal is to give artists-in-residence support in the areas they need most support in; space to create, freedom to experiment, networking opportunities, exposure for and critical reviews of their work."

Drum's haunting and humorous interactive installation piece entitled "Death Scene" was on display as part of the fifth and final residency, on Saturday, September 17th, from 6-10pm.

For more information:

Soap Factory 3x5
Preston Drum
Andy Ducett
