beyond brand / juried exhibition | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

beyond brand / juried exhibition

beyondBRAND is a juried exhibition at the Form + Content Gallery in Minneapolis incorporating of graphic design and visual communication work in a variety of media as a personal response to current social, political, cultural and economic conditions.  The show, curated by Jay H. Isenberg and Lynda Monick-Isenberg, both Form+Content members, included artwork from a diverse group of 19 individual designers and artists and represents work that is contemporary, experimental, and provocative.

The visual world is dominated by a growing global corporate culture and the incessant drive to develop and present the perfect “brand". Brand has become caricature. Designers, as paragons of the “visual” serve their clients and navigate this contentious terrain as professionals, yet personally they seek ways to contribute their considerable skills to make the world a better and more just place. Design as social practice is a powerful calling.

Participating Designers and Artists, including current and past MCAD MFA candidates and faculty: Keith Christensen, Jordan Darby, Jim Dryden, Stephanie Glaros, Chandler O’Leary & Carol Inderieden, Jan Jancourt, Daniel Jasper, Bill Jeter, Sieng Lee, Aaron Marx, Heidi Miller, Jeffrey Morrison, John O’Neill, Jack Pavlik & Peng Wu, George Roberts, Jan Sabach, Todd Thyberg, Brandon Waybright, and Russ White.


For more about Form + Content Gallery

