Body Embodied / MFA 1st Year Group Show | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Body Embodied / MFA 1st Year Group Show

The first year MFA students are a passionate group of emerging artists. This past month their cohort got together to present a show titled Body Embodied in Gallery 148 on the MCAD main campus. The concept was driven by each artists interpretation of the 'body' which came together in the form of a multimedia exhibition and an artist talk mediated by director Ellen Mueller.

On the day of the opening, curator Junyao Zhang '21 organised a performance piece, where Zhang posed as a techno/trance DJ, thus transforming the gallery space in to a "rave" experience. The cohort encouraged the audience to dance among the artwork, the ambience of which resembled that of a night club due to the dancing fluorescent lights. People were also encouraged to view the work in this new ambience. During the artist talk, the cohort guided a tour around the gallery where each artist spoke about their work and answered questions from the audience.

Participating artists included:

Junyao Zhang '21

Jocelyn McDonald '21

Trina Fernandez '21

Alondra Garza '21

Kyle Voss '21

Darren Schneibel '21

Zhangruo Sun '21

Yao Jian '21

Photography by Emma Shen

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