Camilo Aguirre / Migani Mirror at the Suitcase Gallery | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Camilo Aguirre / Migani Mirror at the Suitcase Gallery

This March, 1st-year Camilo Aguirre curated the exhibition Migani Mirror in the MCAD Suitcase Gallery. The show was an extension of his project, Distant Letters, a program that connected international printmakers and promoted artistic exchange.
From the curator, "this exhibition shows 6 Colombian Illustrators (who were) invited to show homage to Dos Aldos, a graphic novel by the Colombian Authors Pablo Guerra and Henry Diaz. This Graphic novel won the gold medal at the Japan International MANGA Award. The pages were reprinted using the MCAD's  Service Bureau's Risograph printer.
"This show approaches the idea of multiplicity and life through a science fiction approach.  The illustrators reinterpret three pages from the original graphic novel within their own subjectivities and styles."
Photography by Yi Wan.

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