Cassandra Cook / Castle Roche at the Suitcase Gallery | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Cassandra Cook / Castle Roche at the Suitcase Gallery

On October 3rd, second-year Cassandra Cook held a workshop in the MCAD printmaking studios in conjunction with her show in the MCAD Suitcase Gallery, Castle Roche. Participants learned how to do Citra Solv Xerox photo transfers using images supplied by the artist. During the workshop, they were able to experiment with printing on paper and fabric.

From the artist, "The Suitcase Gallery is filled with about 10 to 15 xerox photo transfers done with Citra Solv. I chose to use images from when I went to Ireland last March for Spring Break with two of my close friends. We went to North Ireland one day and before crossing over we came across the ruins of a castle in the middle of the countryside.  I chose this photo transfer process because it fit the aesthetic of Castle Roche, the transfers brought what I saw in person to the paper."

Castle Roche is on view in MCAD's Suitcase Gallery until October 31.

Photography by Yi Wan.

For more information:

MCAD Printshop
Cassandra Cook
