Christopher Selleck / 2016 Thesis Candidate | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Christopher Selleck / 2016 Thesis Candidate

Christopher Selleck has been making photographs for twenty-five plus years, and for him there still exists the same wonder and excitement that was present when he watched his first print appear in a tray of developer.

Growing up as a closeted gay man, he felt like an outside observer to masculinity. Using sports and masculinity as a lens to view identity, his various projects of the last few years have focused on this area of identity construction. Working primarily in portraiture, his work has tried to explore the tension between social ideals of what is it to be a man, and how he reacts to that.

Be sure to join us on Friday, May 13th at our new MFA Graduate Studios to enjoy Christopher's thesis work along with the other 2016 graduates.

MFA Thesis Exhibition and Reception

For more information: visit Christopher Selleck online