Chrysalis Stage: 2014 MFA Exhibition | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Chrysalis Stage: 2014 MFA Exhibition

The Minneapolis College of Art and Design is pleased to present Chrysalis Stage, the upcoming 2014 Master of Fine Arts Fall Exhibition at Whittier Gallery. Presenting a variety of disciplines including painting, printmaking, comics, animation, filmmaking, illustration, sculpture, and graphic design, the show will feature work by current MCAD graduate students and recent alum. 

This exhibition acknowledges and explores one of the most essential characteristics of the human behavior: change. Chrysalis Stage refers to the last phase of transformation that some insects experience before they reach their full growth. Even though as humans we don’t find ourselves wrapped in cocoons, we are in a continuous metamorphosis and development; not only do our bodies modify through time but also our emotions, feelings, and our relationship with the environment. Even the places where we inhabit are constantly mutating as well as the technology, history and paradigms around us.

Through various media, each artist will present a unique and vibrant interpretation of this phenomenon that affects us both in our internal and external spheres, especially in an era like the one we are living today.

Check out more at:

Reception: Friday, Sep. 5th, 6 –9 pm
Gallery Hours: Sat., Sept 6th, 12 - 6 pm / Sun., Sept. 7th, 12 - 4 pm
Where: Whittier Gallery (2840 Grand Ave, MPLS, MN 55408)
Who: MCAD Master of Fine Arts in Visual Studies students and recent alum 

A shuttle will be available to students and will make several trips throughout the evening:
6 pm / first van leaves MCAD
9 pm / last van leaves Whittier Gallery

Free and open to the public!