Clarissa Odin / 2019 Thesis Candidate | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Clarissa Odin / 2019 Thesis Candidate

Clarissa Odin is a painter motivated by a deep impulse to create social narrative art, especially feminist portraiture. The frequently degrading and submissive ways in which women have been depicted in historical and contemporary contexts drive her work and her need to generate conversations surrounding the visual representation of women.

She creates self-portraits to reflect her identity and the way cultural implications have complicated what it means to be a woman. She is intrigued by the alluring power that femininity possesses but is also aware of how femininity is so often represented as the subordinate gender. Consequently, she is compelled by and resistant toward ideas and acts of femininity.

Through her paintings, she aims to bring women’s issues to the surface of her canvas, revealing their layered and intricate complexity. Clarissa's paintings are expressive of women’s struggle to navigate femininity and establish individual agency amidst the persistence of traditional gender norms.


Be sure to join us on Friday, May 17th from 6pm-9pm at the MFA Graduate Studios to enjoy Clarissa's thesis work, along with the other 2019 graduates!

MFA Thesis Exhibition and Reception

For more information: visit Clarissa Odin online.

Artist portrait by Grace Olson

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