Co.nfluence / Group show | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Co.nfluence / Group show

Earlier this month, a selection of our Minneapolis College of Art and Design MFA students were selected into a juried group show with MFA candidates from the University of Minnesota. The show, entitled CO.NFLUENCE, was a coming together between our respective programs, to foster community and create dialogue.

The show presented a variety of disciplines including photography, painting, animation, printmaking, illustration, sculpture, and graphic design. Participating MCAD students were: Michaela Chorn, Bianca Jarvis, Yijia Li, Chelsea Reeck, Dan Romanoski, Samantha Russell, Erin Sandsmark, Suyao Tian, and Jacob Yeates.

Is a process of merging, an exhibition showcasing the junction and meeting of two MFA programs of equal width and depth.

She show opened on September 9th at the Regis West Gallery, Regis Center for Art, on the University of Minnesota campus.

For more information:

Michaela Chorn
Bianca Jarvis
Yijia Li
Chelsea Reeck
Dan Romanoski
Samantha Russell
Erin Sandsmark
Suyao Tian
Jacob Yeates
