Dan Romanoski / AIGA | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Dan Romanoski / AIGA

This week, second-year graphic designer Dan Romanoski was featured by AIGA (formerly the American Institute of Graphic Arts) in their blog "Eye on Design." The opening line says it all: "Dan Romanoski’s work has the feel of a designer who’s accomplished, mature, confident, and possesses an unerring eye for superb typography. So we were baffled (and mighty impressed) to learn that he’s still a student."

The interview highlighted several of Dan's projects here at MCAD, as well as some of his personal work, and they end with these astute words of wisdom from Dan himself:

"Allow for failure, disappointment, and flexibility within a process. Confusion is an interesting place to work. Work with limitations instead of fighting them. The first version is usually bad."

AIGA is the oldest and largest membership organization for design in the United States—with 70 chapters and more than 26,000 members; it is a high honor to be featured. In the past year, Dan has also been featured by It's Nice That, and Colectivo Futuro. Big things from one of our own!

 For more information:

