Domenic Cretara / Visiting Artist & Studio Visits | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Domenic Cretara / Visiting Artist & Studio Visits

Last month, renowned artist Domenic Cretara visited our MFA studios and spoke with students about his work and theirs. He also generously spoke to the MCAD community about his work at our main campus on December 3rd. Cretara is a professor of art at California State University, Long Beach.

He is a painter and illustrator whose work has been published in books, on the cover of magazines, and celebrated in galleries around the country for several decades.

Cretara writes, "The human figure is the major source of visual inspiration for me.  Not only is it the container of millennia of intellectual, symbolic and emotional associations, it is also capable of an inexhaustible variety of shapes, spatial reconfigurations, moods, lighting possibilities and implied motion."

His visit to MCAD was memorable, and very much enjoyed.

For more information, visit Domenic Cretara on the web.

