ELLIE GAGNER / SOOVAC SHOW / ‘Objects for Consideration’ group exhibit | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

ELLIE GAGNER / SOOVAC SHOW / ‘Objects for Consideration’ group exhibit

Ellie Gagner, as a part of the ‘Objects for Consideration’ group exhibit, recently held her opening night at SooVAC.

The 44 small objects in the exhibition “Objects for consideration” are not works of art and should not be confused as such. They are important objects that live in artist studios, often collected or found but not made by the artist as works of art. They hint at a process, give only a glimpse of reference and linger in our periphery. These peculiar objects are typically small, picked up, studied, saved for reasons of curiosity or mystery and placed on a shelf in the artist studio.

To view more her work, please visit Ellie Gagner
