Eric Yevak / In For a Penny, In For a Pound | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Eric Yevak / In For a Penny, In For a Pound

In For a Penny, In for a Pound was an exhibit of new pieces from second-year painter, Eric Yevak, at City Wide Artists in Minneapolis. Made with a computer and with spray paint – a discussion on the enjoyment of the moment when mediums collide and are dissolved within each other. It is about loss of self, of moment, of belief - and the search for the sublime restoration of wonder.

Yevak begins by creating his images digitally, working out hundreds upon hundreds of designs using various programs in order to randomize images. He incorporates modern graffiti methods, Arabic calligraphy, projected images, and classical Rococo patterns. The images are cut up, reassembled, painted, collaged, drawn, hung, and layered with industrial resin (a process which occasionally creates a chemical reaction between resin and ink). He repeats this until coming to an image that “has its own weight” - a sense of surface, texture and tone.

This process relates to Eric’s work being rooted in violence - constantly deformed and reassembled until the piece reaches its breaking point and is seen as a complete work by the Artist.

For more information: and
