Hallie Bahn / 2019 Thesis Candidate | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Hallie Bahn / 2019 Thesis Candidate

Hallie Bahn is an interdisciplinary narrative artist working at the intersections of time, craft, and storytelling. Taking the form of animated model homes and dioramas, her work functions as stages and sets, emphasizing the forced and self-imposed performativity of the autobiographical subjects within. She uses her practice as a way of confronting the absurdity located within her representation of self. Narratively, she is inspired by the everyday, in both its unpalatability and in the hallucinatory power of its tedium. Through the exaggeration of the quotidian, she hopes to create work that is both accessible and cathartic. 

Using scenographic principles, miniature scale, and rotoscope animation, her thesis critically examines how the performance of self interacts with cultural scripts of bureaucracy. She is interested in the alienation that occurs when functioning within these systems—how does the individual come to willingly reprioritize their personal needs when participating in workplace culture?

Be sure to join us on Friday, May 17th from 6pm-9pm at the MFA Graduate Studios to enjoy Hallie's thesis work, along with the other 2019 graduates!

MFA Thesis Exhibition and Reception

For more information: visit Hallie Bahn online.

Artist portrait by Grace Olson