Hallways: Encounters in a Narrow Space with Light, Sound and Objects | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Hallways: Encounters in a Narrow Space with Light, Sound and Objects

On July 2, 2015, MCAD undergraduate students and MFA candidates joined forces with some recent MCAD alum to present a one night only exhibition; Hallways: Encounters in a Narrow Space with Light, Sound and Objects. This exhibition sought to defy expectations brought by the white gallery cube by bringing the art show out into the hallways of the Casket Arts Building in the North East Minneapolis Art District. MFA candidate Preston Drum curated the show alongside the Minneapolis-based illustrator and fellow North Carolina native, Russ White.

The linchpin of this exhibition was the restriction passed on by building management requesting that “No, holes be put in the walls.” Drum and White turned this hindrance into an asset by challenging the participating artists to make work that suspended from the ceiling, set on the floor or in some way challenged concepts of space and how the viewer interacts with the art in that space.

Participating artists included: Leslie Barlow, Julie Benda, Kelsey Bosch, Nathan Bunch, Kayla Campbell, Bradley Cook, Liza Dorsey, Kayleigh Fichten, Essma Imady, Rachel Jennings, Lisa Kill, Qiuwen Li, Cleo Malone, Sarah Faye McPherson, Kathryn Miller, Alex Mitchell, Chris Nystrom, Sara Suppan, Guy Wagner, Forrest Wasko, Samual Weinberg, Russ White, Peng Wu. The Hallways event also featured performances by Minneapolis-based sound artists, Yume Nikki, John Zuma Saint Pelvyn, Transitional Species and Preston Drum.
