Hypervisible (Invisible) / Group show | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Hypervisible (Invisible) / Group show

Hypervisible (Invisible) contains the works of second-year MFA students Leslie Barlow, Patience Lekien, John Matsunaga, and Amber Newman. Using a variety of disciplines, the four artists present work that is inquisitive in nature, and advocates for critical engagement in the social and racial discourses that continue to plague American society today. The artists each construct worlds where the tension between what is artificial and what is real seeks to deconstruct our current vocabulary and re-conceptualize the structures of authority, categorization, and the norm that are currently in place.

The show is on display in the Charles D. Redepenning Gallery at Hopkins Center for the Arts from through February 14, 2016. Catch it before it closes!

For more on the show Hypervisible Issuu designed by Amber Newman

