Illustrations for La Peste, Los Olivos and UVA Magazine / CQ34 Winner | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Illustrations for La Peste, Los Olivos and UVA Magazine / CQ34 Winner

Congratulations to Luisa Rivera Nahrwold, our first-year MFA student majoring in illustration, on some of her recent achievements.

One of Nahrwold’s illustrations recently has been chosen as the cover of La Peste, a Mexican magazine that features international works of art and design.

Nahrwold has also been working on a series of illustrations for a conceptual book called Los Olivos, which is about olive oil. The illustration in the meantime has been published by the latest UVA Magazine in Chile.

Nahrwold’s illustrations recently will be exhibited both online and in the journal by Creative Quarterly as one of the winner of  CQ34. For more about Luisa Rivera Nahrwold, Please visit her website @
