"Intimacy" at Rosalux Gallery | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

"Intimacy" at Rosalux Gallery

Rosalux Gallery is Minnesota’s longest running collective art gallery, which was originally founded in February 2002. Rosalux is home to a roster of 24 contemporary visual Minnesota artists, and has recently closed its physical doors, while opening up a new online programming initiative consisting of a series of special exhibitions, interviews and tours designed to share the story of their artists in these uncanny times, and offer you a bit of escape from the same.

Every six weeks the artists of Rosalux will present a new collaborative effort around a theme chosen by curators and artists close to the gallery highlighting the unexpected ways we find ourselves existing in the world today.  Each exhibit will be available for viewing  on the Rosalux website, but will also be available in book form which you can collect and make a part of your home. The newest online exhibit is titled, Intimacy, which was chosen by Nicole Soukup, Assistant Curator of Contemporary Art and the Minnesota Artist Exhibition Project Coordinator at Minneapolis Institute of Art.

The MCAD MFA Program has many connections to this latest exhibition, and we want to highlight this great work. For example, Nicole Soukup was a recent studio visitor, and exhibiting artists Melissa BormanFrank Meuschke, and Avigail Manneberg are all on our mentors list. Terrence Payne was one of our recent visiting speakers for the professional practices event focused on working with commercial galleries. Further, Priscilla Briggs and Areca Roe were in our recent Midwest Midwinter exhibition. Betsy Ruth Byers '08 and Hend Al Mansour '02 are alumnae of the MCAD MFA Program. Last but not least, Betsy Alwin has been a visiting artist in our Graduate Critique Seminar course.

Many congratulations to all these fantastic members of the community! View Intimacy online.
