It's a Small World / International Student Exhibition | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

It's a Small World / International Student Exhibition

This March, four of our international students, Zoe Cinel '18, Xiaojie Liu '18, and William Lining Jiang '18, and Sihai Zhu '17 participated in MCAD's It's a Small World Exhibition.

The exhibit, in MCAD's Concourse Gallery, featured the work of seventeen students in both graduate and undergraduate programs: "Moving beyond one’s borders makes opportunities possible, both large and small. This exhibition calls attention to the venturesome students who come to MCAD from abroad, often many thousands of miles away from traditional networks of family and friends."

The show runs through April 16th.

For more information:

It's a Small World
Zoe Cinel
Xiaojie Liu
William Lining Jiang
Sihai Zhu
