Jasio Stefanski: 2013 Graduate Thesis | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Jasio Stefanski: 2013 Graduate Thesis

I seek a field of discovery, one that requires inquiry as opposed to drawing conclusions. It is not so much a practice as it is a way of life, a way of approaching the world determined to translate its subtleties, exchanges, and tendencies on my own terms. I want to expose the essence of communication, attempting to provide avenues that we do not take often but find familiar. For that reason, my work relies on the familiarity that we share with typography, employing it for both its simplicity and vast complexity.

Color is equally important in that it transcends language. Its appeal and readability is universal -- a complex yet approachable language that attracts both children and adults, providing an evolving dialogue between forms and individuals. I am interested in using this universal language in hope of creating work that is accessible; proposing a visual language that revels in playful simplicity while maintaining a meaningful complexity.

Communication begins with a problem that needs to be solved. I use various processes in order to experiment with communication, often confined to specific forms or methodologies that impose given limitations; working digitally then with analog media, and finally arriving at a synthesis of both. My work has been about developing a holistic approach that utilizes a variety of media for both their limitations as well as their advantages. I learn through the products of these experiments, the failures and the relationships.

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