Jo Yeh and Alex Mitchell / The Gymnasium Lobby Gallery | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Jo Yeh and Alex Mitchell / The Gymnasium Lobby Gallery

Current MFA student, Alex Mitchell and recent graduate, Jo Yeh both Illustration majors, have work hanging as part of a display organized by The Gymnasium for the McKnight Foundation.  Yeh and Mitchell were contracted to produce a series of illustrations and storyboards to illustrate concepts for a video game brainstormed by the local creative collective. "Climate Rage", is a sandbox-style game that allows the player free-reign to navigate the difficult choices of environmental policy on the macro- and micro- levels.  It's one of three innovative ideas developed by The Gymnasium around the subject of "Air". 

Gallery hours are weekdays, 8:00am - 5:00pm.  An opening reception was held October 13th for guests and the artists.

For more information, please visit: Cynthia Binger Boynton Lobby Gallery
