Joel Terry / Inflated American Dreamz | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Joel Terry / Inflated American Dreamz

This month, first year sculptor Joel Terry held a solo show in MCAD's Gallery 148, entitled Inflated American Dreamz.

"Inflated American Dreamz is an investigation of our culture’s desire of material goods, values derived from leisure. In a minimalist manner, Terry reveals our culture’s emphasis on status, leisure, and façade—a problematic value system. Inflated American Dreamz calls upon the viewer to question their relationship to the objects and priorities."

At the opening reception, Terry served classic American snacks and beverages. (Cool Ranch Doritos included, of course.) Guests lingered among the displaced diving board, pool and lawn chairs, and plastic-covered pizza boxes. And over the crunch and fizz of our hors d'oeuvres, we smiled sweetly at one another, and contemplated our shallow existence.

For more information:

Joel Terry
Inflated American Dreams
Gallery 148
