Joel Terry / MSP Beehives | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Joel Terry / MSP Beehives

This summer, the University of Minnesota Bee Squad offered to host two of MCAD's new beehives at the Bee Vets Apiary at the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport. Second year MFA student, Joel Terry, decorated the hives with a spray painted design that he created especially for the hives.


Joel was asked to create a design for the bee hives that involved bright color and pattern, as having the hives decorated helps the bees determine which hive they need to return to. Many of the hives at the Apiary are sponsored by large businesses. According to Joel, "we wanted our hives not only to stand out among the other hives, but also to vibrantly represent our institution." He used the Memphis group as inspiration for this project.


For more information:

Joel Terry
MCAD Beehives on Facebook
