John Matsunaga / 2016 Thesis Candidate | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

John Matsunaga / 2016 Thesis Candidate

John Matsunaga is an artist who uses photography and artists’ books as his main media of expression. In his work, he focuses conceptually on history, memory and forgetting, and racial identity and inequality. Overall, John's goal is to create social commentaries that promote an awareness of the constructed nature of and the biases within our histories, identities, and visual representations.

He often employs a documentary visual style, with the main subject matter being landscapes, architecture, and objects. His approach to photography, both conceptually and in regard to subject matter, is inspired by a background in archaeology.

Be sure to join us on Friday, May 13th at our new MFA Graduate Studios to enjoy John's thesis work along with the other 2016 graduates.

MFA Thesis Exhibition and Reception

For more information: visit John Matsunaga online