Joint Custody / Gallery 148 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Joint Custody / Gallery 148

Opening the spring 2016 semester, Joint Custody was the newest photo, video and installation work from Curly Jefferson. Curly Jefferson is the anonymous fictional dual character that is the collaboration of second-year MCAD MFA graphic designers, Kayla Campbell and Katie Lupton. The Gallery 148 show explored elements of fun, color, styling, silliness and anonymity. Under the guise of Curly Jefferson, the designers were able to take on different personas and experiment with creating work in a looser manner than in their individual practices. By being anonymous, the viewer can take on the role of the figure in the image, with the focus becoming less about the individuals and more about the action, the environment and the perceived narrative.

Joint Custody aimed to transform the space into an experiential environment by including visual and auditory stimuli with videos, color, and pattern play. The designers are interested in the play between sensory overload and the invitation into a space, the viewer is left with part Uncanny Valley and part unaffected amusement. By using a sense of humor and silly subject matter the work is easier to digest, allowing the viewer to feel included on the inside joke.
