Kate Thomas: 2013 Graduate Thesis | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Kate Thomas: 2013 Graduate Thesis

My print and installation work reflects the discomfort I felt as an adolescent growing up in an ultra-conservative Christian environment. From a young age, I was taught that women were the inferior gender. The work of women was to bear children, and therefore we were overlooked for more meaningful work. Through scripture, I understood my status as an object to be owned by men: “For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man"" (Corinthians 11:8-9).

My artistic investigation into the past explores the influence of the oppressive, anti-female and often outrageous aspects of my religious experience, yet I wish to present my work without making generalized, controversial statements about the sanctity of religion as a whole. I am more interested in sharing my experience with the viewer as a means to draw attention to the often hidden and stifled lives of female adolescents in this contemporary subculture.

In the process of making this work, showing, and talking about it, I have realized the value in recognizing that we are not alone in these moments. The empowering effect of this realization has happened for me and I am eager to share it with others.

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