Kate Thomas: Minnesota Monthly Magazine | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Kate Thomas: Minnesota Monthly Magazine

Kate Thomas, a MFA Alumni of 2013, has been quite busy since graduating from MCAD. Hear Kate’s story about her recent accomplishment:

I was contacted by the Art Director of Minnesota Monthly Magazine after he bought one of my greeting cards at i like you in northeast Minneapolis. He said he liked my style of lettering and thought it would be the perfect look for their upcoming happiness issue. He gave me a few potential cover lines to sketch and after 2 weeks and about 60 emails back and forth we had a final cover. They also ended up using more of my work inside the magazine for the feature article and on their website. Its really cool to see that those emails turned into a real life magazine and it still surprises me to see it for sale in stores!

I have always had an interest in typography and hand lettering but it wasn't until my time at MCAD that I experimented with calligraphy. Having been trained as a graphic designer, it wasn't always easy for me to feel comfortable creating away from a computer. But thanks to MCAD's interdisciplinary program & my mentor Jody Williams, I was really encouraged to experiment with different mediums.
