Katherine Turczan / artist talk at Minnesota Museum of American Art | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Katherine Turczan / artist talk at Minnesota Museum of American Art

MCAD MFA mentor Katherine Turczan is currently involved in an exhibition titled From There to Here at the Minnesota Museum of American Art. She recently gave an artist talk at the museum.

"From There to Here explores the ways that public transportation intersects with community and connects people to places and the opportunities they offer. Featuring the commissioned work of local artists Xavier Tavera, Wing Young Huie with Ashley Hanson, and Katherine Turczan, the projects consider the neighborhoods that light rail users move through but never visit, the temporary community formed by people waiting at the same stop and riding the same train, and the glimpses of them seen through the window of a passing train. All three projects of From There to Here celebrate local diversity, evoke a unique sense of place, reflect local history and culture, and involve all levels of constituents. It is a truly exciting and multivalent project born of the energy and diversity of the Central Corridor itself."

"Katherine Turczan explores the physical experience and sensation of being on a train through a suite of approximately 300+ black and white photographs taken along the entire 11-mile route of the Green Line. Turczan uses oblique views and mobile perspectives to capture the immediacy of the experience of riding a light rail train. The resulting images will be printed on 8” x 10” sheets and displayed horizontally in two rows, mimicking tracks and the schematic topography of the transit route to connote travel, length, and movement."

Click here for more about Katherine Turczan,
