MCAD MFA designers visit LA Book Fair | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

MCAD MFA designers visit LA Book Fair

February was frigid, but not for second-year graphic designers Dan Romanoski and Joe Letchford, as they jet-setted off to Los Angeles to attend the L.A. Book Fair.

Sponsored by the non-profit publishing group Printed Matter, and hosted by the Geffen Contemporary at MOCA, the event rivaled only the NYC book fair in size and attendance.

Romanoski and Letchford rubbed elbows with some of the industry's finest, and came back with drool-worthy bundles of books, posters, booklets, postcards, and zines. Lucky dogs!

For more information:

Joe Letchford
Dan Romanoski
L.A. Book Fair 2017
Printed Matter
The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA

