MCAD MFA Fall Exhibition De/Coding | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

MCAD MFA Fall Exhibition De/Coding

Each fall, a new school year is launched with the MCAD MFA Fall Exhibition. Second year MFA news have a chance to display their summer explorations, and a new class of MFA students get to introduce their work to the MCAD and greater Minneapolis communities for the first time!

The fall exhibition is an entirely student-run event. This year, the show focused on the theme of decoding, exploring the structures of communication in art. Artists were encouraged to explore the connections between ideas, artworks, and perceptions to encourage dialogue.

De/Coding 2017 showcased the work of first and second year MCAD MFA students. A wide variety of work was featured, from photography, painting, sculpture, and printmaking, to animation, illustration, graphic design, and performance art. On Friday evening, the public was invited to the MFA gallery for an evening of great art and conversation, as well as live performance art addressing issues of immigration.

"You understand me because there exists a code (a sort of inner competence shared by you and me) and there exist possible messages, performed as concrete utterances and interpretable as a set of propositions."
(Eco, 1973)

Photos by Libby Wiswall, Yi Wan, and Donna Meyer.

For more information:

De/Coding Reception