Mentor Highlight : Katherine Turczan | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Mentor Highlight : Katherine Turczan

MFA mentor and faculty member, Katherine Turczan was featured in Episode #603 of MN Original and her photograph of writer Marlon James was featured in the New York Times.

Known for her moving portraits taken in Ukraine, MN Original follows as Turczan turns her attention toward landscapes with her project titled Line, documenting scenes along the Green Line that runs between Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Watch Episode 603 here:

MN Original



The captivating portrait of James graced page sixty of the publication. It accompanied his introspective story "From Jamaica to Minnesota to Myself," in which he shares his experiences growing up and feeling like an outsider.

"I had just left my parents’ house in Portmore, a suburb outside Kingston, for my own apartment in the city: a one-bedroom studio, barely 600 square feet, with yellow shag carpeting, a tiny terrace enclosed in jail bars, a bedroom looking out on somebody else’s bedroom and a ceiling I could reach. I locked myself away from the neighbors with two deadbolts."

Turczan has also photographed for major clients such as the New Yorker and the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, among others.

Read the article here:

From Jamaica to Minnesota to Myself 

For more on Katherine:
