MFA at Zine Festival 2013 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

MFA at Zine Festival 2013

Twin City Zinefest is an annual DIY self-publishing event, and this year marks the ten-year anniversary! TC Zinfest was held in Powderhorn Park on September 21, and there were more than 60 exhibitors showing their DIY creative publications. MCAD MFA program had a table featuring second and first-year students Kyle Harabedian, Julie Boehmer, Kelsey Zigmund, Azisa Koesoema, Dream Chen, Jessy Lu and Jo Yeh. You can also check their amazing works here.

Azisa Koesoema
Kyle Harabedian
Julie Boehmer
Kelsey Zigmund
Dream Chen
Jessy Lu
Jo Yeh
