Michaela Chorn / 2017 Thesis Candidate | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Michaela Chorn / 2017 Thesis Candidate

Michaela Chorn works intuitively and with immediacy, motivated by her response to the events of the world. Material exploration, labor, and aura all play a role in her practice. Chorn aims to connect the performance of making to the viewer’s experience of the art. Through immediate mark making, Chorn creates objects that foster a sensory experience between the viewer and the artwork.

Chorn considers the varied spectrum of labor, from hand-made objects to works created using technology, and how these different types of labor contribute to the viewer’s experience; labor contributes to the solicitation of empathy from the viewer, all of which contributes to the work’s auratic presence.

Be sure to join us on Friday, May 12th from 6-9pm at the MFA Graduate Studios to enjoy Michaela's thesis work, along with the other 2017 graduates!

MFA Thesis Exhibition and Reception

For more information: visit Michaela Chorn online.