Michaela Chorn / The Emerging Artists Exhibit | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Michaela Chorn / The Emerging Artists Exhibit

First-year painter, Michaela Chorn, was featured in The Emerging Artists Exhibit, a juried group show that included undergraduate and graduate level college artists and non-students who have never been featured in a gallery exhibit. The show included a variety of work from 11 emerging artists from Southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa at Crossings, which ran January 2 through February 13. Jurors were Jane Becker Nelson, Director of the Flaten Art Museum at St. Olaf College, Minneapolis artist Michael Schmidt, and Crossings Exhibits Coordinator Andrea Gates.

Chorn’s large canvases forcefully confront the viewer, in this case with extreme close-ups of a female face twisted and pushed into a variety of expressions. In these works, Chorn, from Minneapolis, examines universal emotions and inner struggles with which all humans must deal.

Viewers can come away from the Emerging Artists Exhibit secure in the knowledge that the next generation of artists in this region are thoughtful, creative and skilled. They continue to prod the public to think more deeply about the human condition, treasure the delicate balance of the environment, and appreciate the complexity and beauty of the creative spirit.

For more on the show
