Mid-Program Reviews: Kyle Voss ’21 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Mid-Program Reviews: Kyle Voss ’21

We're featuring pics from our awesome first-year grads' mid-program reviews.

These are works by Kyle Voss '21.

From Voss' statement: "My work in collage addresses a specific issue that affects gay men; the impossibility of conforming to the images of idealized male bodies that circulate within mass media. Within my collages, I manipulate realistic images of flowers culled from mass media sources, playfully layering them to create complex, colorful, biomorphic forms. Here, I show how flowers, symbols of natural beauty, can be digitally manipulated into impossible forms. Paired flowers with idealized mass media cut-outs of gay male bodies acknowledge and challenge often unobtainable standards of gay male body aesthetics, specifically marketed to a gay male audience. By challenging this ideal, my work states that you do not need six-pack abs in order to feel like you belong in gay male culture."
