Mid-Program Reviews: Yao Jian ’21 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Mid-Program Reviews: Yao Jian ’21

For the next few days we'll be featuring pics from our awesome first-year grads' mid-program reviews. These are works by Yao Jian '21. ⁠

From Yao Jian's statement: "As an illustrator, I create playful works with a childlike appeal. Working digitally, especially on iPad, is handy, as I can illustrate wherever and whenever I am inspired. In addition to creating work inspired by observations of daily life, my work is inspired by memories, and my studies in contemporary storybooks. I use colors to tell stories as they have qualities that can trigger different feelings and emotions in people. Jimmy Liao, who is a prestigious picture book illustrator and author in Taiwan, has been one of my most influential references. Technically, I have studied the methods of Beatrice Blue, who plays with color a lot and makes a color script to help with emotion transition when she works on visual stories. Born in a big city, I yearn for nature, which explains why I often use natural elements in my illustrations. They also serve as a metaphor for the childhood experiences of resilience and growth."
