Nicholas Kovatch: 2013 Graduate Thesis | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Nicholas Kovatch: 2013 Graduate Thesis

Through a minimalist aesthetic, my installations and sculptures manipulate structural elements within an architecture pushed through the physicality of the environment creating work that alters the stability of a space.

The materials that are commonly used in my practice are resin, joint compound, sheetrock, wood, and fabric. These materials are utilized because they allow me to be flexible with the forms I create. Once the structure for a form is discovered, through experimentation and intuition, I use resin to solidify my architectural manipulation into a permanent shape.

In order to present uncanny elements within the structural elements of a space, I surreptitiously embed the sculpture within the existing space. The scale of my work varies, but each sculpture takes on the illusion of being a physical extension of the interior architecture.

Through these changes within a room, I want to create an encounter that provokes moments of recognition and contemplation about space. I strive to make an environment that is either empathetic or unsettling -- to push the boundaries of how people respond to an uncanny surrounding.

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