Nicholas Kovatch, The MacDowell Colony | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Nicholas Kovatch, The MacDowell Colony

MCAD MFA alumni Nicholas Kovatch is an active sculptor and installation artist, and instructor based in Minneapolis. Nick received his MFA in Visual Studies from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design in 2013. He was a fellow at the MacDowell Colony in the spring of 2014 and exhibited work at the Gamut Gallery in Minneapolis in the winter of 2013. A few artists who influence his practice are: Gordon Matta­Clark, Robert Irwin, Robert Gober, Antony Gormley, Gregor Schneider, and Daniel Arsham.

A few words from Nick about his experience:

Earlier this year I attended the MacDowell Colony from April 17th throughMay 5th. While at MacDowell I focused on my practice, formed new relationships with other Fellows, and enjoyed the peacefulness of southern New Hampshire. The MacDowell prides itself on giving Fellows the utmost privacy for a working environment and I found this to be very beneficial. I was given my own studio space and constructed a large­scale installation during my experience at MacDowell. I also had some great conversations with other Fellows about a multitude of topics. These conversations build up friendships that will last for many years to come. I highly encourage anyone to apply. MacDowell is a comfortable, yet challenging environment and will only strengthen your artistic practice.
