NICHOLAS RIVERS / The Catalog | Minneapolis College of Art and Design


Nicholas Rivers, drawing and painting '16, currently has an exhibition, The Catalog, in Library Gallery at MCAD. The show is on display now through February 7th with a closing reception on Friday, February 6th, noon to 2pm.

"The Catalog is an installation utilizing Library Card Catalog Cards. The MCAD Library has been giving these cards away. My work as a visual artist focuses on material, object, and form. In this installation my process centered around the texture and implications of materials and how they interact with a space. Library Card Catalog Cards are very interesting objects. The cards connect and organize large amounts of information and yet are very meaningless as isolated things. They need to be referenced within their system in order to have meaning. As that system has evolved they have become irrelevant. This project incorporates the history of the library and how it has served MCAD students through the years. The use of these cards is a great way to reference the changes in our relationships to knowledge, communication, and information."

Nicholas Rivers
