Open Door 16 / Rosalux Gallery | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Open Door 16 / Rosalux Gallery

This December, the Rosalux Gallery's sixteenth annual Open Door exhibition is being held online! Current MCAD MFA students Kyle Bredain '21, May Ling Kopecky '22, and Susan Fink '22 were selected to participate in the show, along with recent grad Anika Schneider '19 and MFA mentor Ryan Peltier. This year was particularly competitive, with only 36 pieces chosen out of over 1000. Congratulations to everyone who was selected!

"This long, strange year has changed something inside each one of us. We’ve all borne witness to an uprising against systemic bigotry and brutality; to a pandemic that has exposed so many rifts and so much resilience; and to a political system that seems to be on life support itself. We’ve all felt 2020’s unique cocktail of confusion, fear, anger, and hope course through our bodies. No surprise then that much of the artwork submitted this year reflects that. There were many images of masks, of windows and blinds, of domestic scenes with food and family. Interior and exterior spaces — both physical and psychological — took on new meaning as places of refuge or melancholy. And abstractions emerged that called to mind chaos, stillness, isolation, and interconnection."

- Russ White, Open Door XVI Juror [full statement here]


Link to online exhibition: Open Door XVI at Rosalux

Link to purchase exhibition book: Open Door XVI Book

More information:

Rosalux Gallery

Kyle Bredain

May Ling Kopecky

Susan Fink

Anika Schneider

Ryan Peltier
