Patience Lekien / 2016 Thesis Candidate | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Patience Lekien / 2016 Thesis Candidate

Patience Lekien's creative practice is an engine with which he communicates and express blackness and issues that encompass it. Patience uses his practice to both define what culture sees as blackness, but at the same time dissect its core meaning and the chaotic beauty it embodies. He aims to capture the varying spectrums that allude to both the individual and the black collective.

He often reflects on and looks to personal experiences, current events, artistic, cultural and historical trends within the black diaspora, and the critical discourse on blackness within modern culture. In all his art, he aims to spark thought and create dialogue.

Be sure to join us on Friday, May 13th at our new MFA Graduate Studios to enjoy Patience's thesis work along with the other 2016 graduates.

MFA Thesis Exhibition and Reception

For more information: visit Patience Lekien online