Rachel Leigh Jennings / 2016 Thesis Candidate | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Rachel Leigh Jennings / 2016 Thesis Candidate

Rachel Leigh Jennings comes from a rural landscape and her work is reflective of that upbringing. A sense of place acts as the central theme in her work, whether it is the subject matter, or reflected in the creation of a physical environment. Rachel's fascination with objects and a corporeal presence is embodied through material choices, the manipulations of them, and the spaces they occupy.

She makes physical manifestations of her fleeting past. In the initial stages, she works intuitively and responds to impulses, often creating the actual work on-site, instead of in the studio.

Be sure to join us on Friday, May 13th at our new MFA Graduate Studios to enjoy Rachel's thesis work along with the other 2016 graduates.

MFA Thesis Exhibition and Reception

For more information: visit Rachel Leigh Jennings online