Roshan Ganu '20 via SooVAC Virtual Connections | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Roshan Ganu '20 via SooVAC Virtual Connections

Recently, Roshan Ganu '20 presented an online comics-making workshop entitled, "Fuck You Corona(virus)," through SooVAC's Virtual Connections Series. You can watch a recording of the workshop here.

Ganu describes herself as miniature artist and storyteller based in Minneapolis. As a maker of small things, she writes and tells stories about our everyday lives through the world of miniatures.

SooVAC describes the Virtual Connections series as, "SooVAC is currently not inhabiting our physical space but that doesn’t mean we’ll stop sharing what artists are up to, this is a new landscape for all of us but we’re still creating and thinking about ways to tell the story of our times. So with that in mind we will continue to show work on a virtual platform, our goal is to post a new interview, story or video every Wed-Sun as though we were open. Stay tuned for studio visits, artist led projects you can do at home, images of work in progress, and maybe a recipe or two."
