Roshan Ganu / Narrative Totes at Women Who Influence | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Roshan Ganu / Narrative Totes at Women Who Influence

On April 29th, 1st-year student Roshan Ganu displayed her narrative tote bags at the Women Who Influence Conference at the Urban Growler Brewery in St. Paul. This was an extension of her Cross-Cultural Narratives Project.

The objective of the conference was to look at entrepreneurship as a medium of women empowerment. The event brought together women entrepreneurs from Minnesota and from the US at large, to mutually educate and encourage one another’s creativity.

1st-year illustration student Roshan Ganu used her block printed narrative tote bags to start conversations around the woman's body, the monthly period and the act of leisure. She also presented bags with illustrations about her home culture, thus inciting conversations around authenticity, as opposed to the ideas of cultures constructed by the media. As an interactive counter, she let onlookers build their own short narratives using blocks she used to print on the bags.

Photography by Roshan Ganu

For more information:

Women Who Influence
Roshan Ganu